Amnesty International: Strategic Campaigning
Campaign Central (Tips and resources for campaigners)
Campaigning: The A to Z of Public Advocacy
By: Des Wilson, Leighton Andrews
Publisher: Hawksmere Ltd
ISBN: 1854180363
How to Win Campaigns: 100 Steps to Success
By: Chris Rose
Publisher: Earthscan
ISBN: 1853839620
The Campaigning Handbook
By: Mark Lattimer
Publisher: Directory of Social Change
ISBN: 1900360632
Campaign against Cruelty – an activists handbook’
By Alex Bourke and Ronny Worsey
Publisher: Scamp Media
ISBN 1-898462-02-X
Available from: Vegetarian Guides, PO Box 2284, London WIA 5UH.
A UK-based animal rights approach
The Art of Strategy: A New Translation of Sun Tzu's ‘The Art of War’
By: Wing
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
ISBN: 0385237847
Animal Welfare Handbook
By: Caroline Clough and Barry Kew
Published by: Fourth Estate, London
ISBN 1-85702-047-2
A good basic introduction to animal welfare issues.
Types of Campaign Materials
Petitions and Postcards
New Technology
Old and New Methods
Campaign Videos
There are various types of campaign materials that can be used to reinforce the campaign visibility, impact and messages. You should also assess if you need to raise funds from some of these materials. They include:
Sometimes, international animal welfare organizations help collaborating societies and contacts by making generic versions of campaigns materials for translation and use in various countries. Campaign materials bearing the logos of a large collection of collaborating societies can be most effective (showing the strength and outreach of the campaign).
Petitions and postcard campaigns are a popular means of sending representations from a large number of supporters. For petitions, you only have to produce one short, simple product; then get many people to sign it. They are cheap and easy to run. Handing over a pile of petitions is also a media opportunity. One disadvantage is that decision makers generally treat mass-produced postcards less seriously than individual letters. And a petition is not worth giving to the target if you only have a few signatories.
Newer communication technologies are increasingly used for mobilizing support for advocacy campaigns. These include:
This aspect of campaigning should be constantly reviewed and updated. There is more on it in Module 6 – Media and Communications.
International grassroots advocacy is becoming better-organized and more vocal, thanks to new communication technologies, especially social networking. For example, groups were highly organized for the anti-globalization protests at Seattle – mainly thanks to Internet coordination. Greenpeace make use of this technology through the ‘Cyber Activism’ center on its Website. New technology can also assist with mass lobbying, through software programs (such as membership software, which includes an automatic lobbying facility).
In fact, conventional campaigning methods such as small-scale demonstrations with homemade placards and campaign mascots are becoming increasingly outdated and useless for all but local animal rights events. So many NGOs are active and using compelling new methods and images, ensuring that the ‘routine and boring’ quite simply fails to make an impact nowadays. However, creative and visual campaign events can attract public and media attention.
Advertising can be expensive, unless free advertising can be won (for example, through designing attractive advertisements which will be used to fill blank magazine space). Advertising could be through: magazines, newspapers, direct mail, inserts in other publications or mailings, billboards, in hotels etc.
Campaign videos are impactful campaign tools. They can be expensive to produce, and difficult to get right without professional help. The campaign message and impact can be diluted if they attempt organizational promotion at the same time.
Compare the following videos – the ‘good, bad and the ugly! - looking at their approach, design, length and impact:
IFAW Campaign Video - Icelandic Whaling
ACRES (Singapore) Video on campaign Against Live Shark Finning (for soup)
The Meatrix - Highlighting Factory Farming Problems (used by many AWOs)
In devising your tactics for the campaign, always bear in mind:
Advocacy Tool Tool 36. Campaign Tactics |
CIWF Example
For example, here are just some of the tactics included in Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)’s Tactic Toolkit for its battery egg campaign:
Further Examples
There are further examples of successful campaigns, including a variety of campaign tactics in the chapter on ‘Campaigning for Social Change’ in WAN’s publication on ‘Professional Animal Protection Society Management’.
Campaign Managers
Managing Your Campaign
Campaign Coordination
Inspiration and Creativity
The following qualities are useful in a Campaign Manager:
Here are some tips and advice for managing campaigns:
Campaigns will probably involve different staff members. Effective campaign co-ordination is vital to success. Campaign management should take overall responsibility for coordination. A Campaign Team, which meets regularly to review strategy and operational progress, is an excellent way of ensuring that all are ‘on board’ with the plan.
As we saw in ‘What is Campaigning’ - you are seeking to interest and motivate the public about your issue (when many others are competing). This takes inspiration and creativity. It is vital that campaigners are given time to develop their full creative potential. This requires a special management style – motivational, non-directional (give end results required, leave the direction and means up to the team), and ensuring that they are not too tied down by other organisational duties and bureaucratic ‘red tape’.
When the campaigns team is dreaming up new campaign ideas, they should be free to work in a creative atmosphere – watching other campaigns videos, studying latest advertising and marketing techniques etc. There need to awaken their creative ‘right brain’ hemisphere. Other techniques to help this process could be carried out at home, including meditation (or quiet time), listening to music, dancing, playing games and reading poetry! The idea is to quieten the intellect, to leave space for creativity and imagination.
Campaign team meetings seeking to generate new ideas should be fast-moving, playful, supportive and non-judgemental. Have dedicated meetings for this purpose; separating other business/organisational matters.
Commitment and energy are vital components of any successful campaign:
"Never doubt that a small group of dedicated citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Types of Campaigns
Hard or Soft Campaigns?
"If you don't know where you're going, you are sure to end up somewhere else." Mark Twain
Module 2 covers Strategic Planning, which includes campaign strategy. The following guidance, however, applies specifically to campaigns.
It is vital for a campaign to have both a final aim and interim steps along the way – both to build towards the final aim and to provide motivational ‘high points’ to maintain interest.
Successful campaigns include both a strategically planned path (see Module 2) and the ability to take advantage of key opportunities along the way. There is sometimes a tension between planning and opportunity taking. There are two main ways of helping the process:
You can campaign through either:
In either case you will want to show decision makers that your issue has public support:
The major elements of a campaign are:
There are separate Modules covering Research and Media and Communications.
If you study other successful campaigns in your country or around the world you will gather useful ideas for your own campaign. But remember that campaign ideas should be adapted, not adopted. What has been done in London, the USA or Manila might not be appropriate in your country. Brainstorm a range of ideas and then make sure they are appropriate to your situation.
Animal welfare organizations carry out campaigns targeting both political and consumer issues.
Consumer awareness campaigning is generally considered to be targeting the consumer i.e. to be consumption-based (e.g. in favor of a change from purchasing battery/caged eggs to free-range eggs). This could be considered as the ‘free-market’ approach to improving animal welfare standards (i.e. making the market dictate the change).
A political campaign seeks to change the law and/or to ensure that existing laws are effectively enforced. This is the ‘regulatory approach’ to improving animal welfare standards.
One very important consideration is whether to make the campaign hard-hitting or soft and appealing. The choice will depend on both the type of your organization and the campaign aims and targets. Sometimes the urgency of the issue and the ghastliness of it demand a hard-hitting approach. For example, after many years, the UK’s RSPCA turned to a spectacular campaign focused on ‘Crufts’ – the leading UK dog show – launching shocking images showing piles of dead dogs. This clearly and starkly drew out the connection between breeding and overpopulation; and led to massive media coverage of the issue. On this occasion playing ‘hard-ball’ won the day.
Another successful campaign was WSPA’s first international campaign – the ‘No Fur’ campaign. Thorough research and consideration before the launch led to a decision to make the campaign image soft and appealing. The baby red fox picture and slogan: “Does your mother have a fur coat – my mother lost hers” were universally used and accepted. Some countries adopting the campaign had little or no history of campaigning, but this soft image was used (and it continues to be used today, including in China). Also, it was judged to make fur wearers reflect, without alienating instantly as happened with more graphic and confrontational anti-fur images.
Another associated issue is whether to use nakedness or sexuality to ‘sell’ a campaign. Clearly the media are attracted by this approach, and many animal welfare organizations have taken advantage of this. It can be considered more widely acceptable if it is not demeaning and discriminatory. After all, there is nothing wrong with nudity per se. But some images can be considered exploitative and therefore alienate potential targets and even allies.
In some countries, a hard-hitting approach would be counter-productive.
Also, it may not always be the most effective tactic to be public in your advocacy, which may be perceived as being too critical or confrontational. Sometimes quiet and constructive advocacy can be the most effective.
Campaigning is mobilizing public concern in order to achieve a social, political or commercial aim. It is a series of activities designed to influence the policies and practices of public or private bodies (e.g. governments, institutions, companies).
Campaigning helps to demonstrate that it is not just your organization that is concerned about the issue but also members of the public, voters and consumers. A successful campaign is one that demonstrates the concern of large numbers of the public. This public opposition could damage the government’s reputation (and thus their chances of re-election) or the company’s market share (and thus its share price).
Campaigning is an engine for social change. It not only educates the public about your issue, but also motivates them to speak and act in support of change. Once you achieve critical mass in support of your issue, then you have the chance of lasting change.
‘Raising awareness of an issue’ is not the same as advocacy to change things. Awareness of the issue is just the first step in the engagement process. Many people are already aware, but simply do not think the issue important enough to act on it. To make a real difference to animals’ lives, you have to take people beyond ‘awareness’, to create a sense of urgency and need for change, and to help them to visualize a new future and empower them to play a part in the change.
Campaigning is a motivational exercise. It narrows the focus of attention in order to get people to do something that will lead to change.
The public are beset with concerns and issues, so you need to make them feel that your issue is both important to them and urgent to motivate then to act on this. Then give them tangible actions that demonstrate their concern. You may need to provide skills and resources that people will need in order to take action. For example, you could provide training for activists, effective background notes, briefing before any meeting, specimen letters that they can adapt, a petition that they need to sign, or a list of activities that they can carry out.
Then you build their confidence by sharing and celebrating successes, showing progress, saying ‘thank you’ and explaining the value of their contributions. Supporters need to know that it is possible to succeed.
This is shown diagrammatically in the ‘seven-stage model for engagement’ which was used in Module 4.
To mobilize the public remember the advice given in Module 4 (on Networking & Alliances). There will be further useful advice on ‘Media and Communications’ in Module 6.
What is Campaigning?
Campaign Strategy
Campaign Management
Campaign Tactics
Campaign Materials
Further Resources
This module begins by clarifying what campaigning is; and then provides information and advice on campaign strategy, management, tactics and materials. It will focus students on various aspects of campaigning, giving ideas and advice which can be further researched, considered and then put into practice.
Learning objectives: