Model Animal Welfare Act
An Act to provide for the protection of the lives and welfare of animals, recognition of their sentience and intrinsic value, and the progressive development of a broader based humane ethic and ‘culture of caring’ in society. This Act is based on internationally accepted moral and scientific principles for animal welfare and includes: humane treatment and care; the prohibition of cruelty; the development of animal welfare structures, procedures and controls; and education and awareness.
- Section 1
- Title, Commencement and Conflicting Provisions
- Section 2
- Objectives
- Section 3
- Support for Animal Welfare
- Section 4
- Scope of Application
- Section 5
- Definitions
- Section 6
- Fundamental Principles of Animal Welfare
- Section 7
- Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals
- Section 8
- Prohibited Interventions Performed on Animals
- Section 9
- Prohibition of Killing Animals
- Section 10
- Prohibition of Passing on, Selling, Offering for Sale, Purchasing or Possessing Certain Animals (Doomed Animals)
- Section 11
- Obligation to Grant First Aid
- Section 12
- Principles of Keeping Animals
- Section 13
- Qualifications of the Animal Keeper
- Section 14
- Care in Case of Illness or Injury
- Section 15
- Principles of Animal Breeding
- Section 16
- Keeping of Animals within the Scope of Business Activities
- Section 17
- Sale and Trading of Animals
- Section 18
- Abandoned, Stray or Lost Animals and Confiscated Animals
- Section 19
- General and Commercial Transport of Animals
- Section 20
- Humane Killing and Slaughter of Animals
- Section 21
- Principles of Animal Training
- Section 22
- Companion Animals (Pet Animals)
- Section 23
- Animals Kept for Farming Purposes
- Section 24
- Animals Used for Experimentation (including Science, Research and Testing)
- Section 25
- Wildlife and Animals Kept in Zoos/Aquaria
- Section 26
- Animals Used for Work
- Section 27
- Animals Used for Sports, Leisure and Entertainment
- Section 28
- Authorities
- Section 29
- Authorisations
- Section 30
- Nature of Enforcement
- Section 31
- Powers of Enforcement Bodies
- Section 32
- Improvement Notices
- Section 33
- Duty to Alert and Report Offences and Duty to File A Criminal Complaint
- Section 34
- Charges and Fees
- Section 35
- Animal Welfare Committee
- Section 36
- Animal Welfare Ombudsman
- Section 37
- Animal Welfare and Protection Organisations/Humane Societies
- Section 38
- Animal Shelters, Sanctuaries and Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres
- Section 39
- Veterinarians and Para-Veterinarians
- Section 40
- Animal Welfare Research
- Section 41
- Consumer Information
- Section 42
- Animal Welfare Measurement and Impact Assessment
- Section 43
- Penal and Administrative Fine Provisions
- Section 44
- Prohibition of Keeping Animals or of Having Contact with Animals and Forfeiture
- Section 45
- Further Aspects