Campaign Managers
Managing Your Campaign
Campaign Coordination
Inspiration and Creativity
The following qualities are useful in a Campaign Manager:
Here are some tips and advice for managing campaigns:
Campaigns will probably involve different staff members. Effective campaign co-ordination is vital to success. Campaign management should take overall responsibility for coordination. A Campaign Team, which meets regularly to review strategy and operational progress, is an excellent way of ensuring that all are ‘on board’ with the plan.
As we saw in ‘What is Campaigning’ - you are seeking to interest and motivate the public about your issue (when many others are competing). This takes inspiration and creativity. It is vital that campaigners are given time to develop their full creative potential. This requires a special management style – motivational, non-directional (give end results required, leave the direction and means up to the team), and ensuring that they are not too tied down by other organisational duties and bureaucratic ‘red tape’.
When the campaigns team is dreaming up new campaign ideas, they should be free to work in a creative atmosphere – watching other campaigns videos, studying latest advertising and marketing techniques etc. There need to awaken their creative ‘right brain’ hemisphere. Other techniques to help this process could be carried out at home, including meditation (or quiet time), listening to music, dancing, playing games and reading poetry! The idea is to quieten the intellect, to leave space for creativity and imagination.
Campaign team meetings seeking to generate new ideas should be fast-moving, playful, supportive and non-judgemental. Have dedicated meetings for this purpose; separating other business/organisational matters.
Commitment and energy are vital components of any successful campaign:
"Never doubt that a small group of dedicated citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead