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Tuesday, 25 March 2014 18:56

Further Resources

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World Animal Net: 'Professional Animal Protection Society Management', Chapter on 'Campaigning for Social Change'

Amnesty International: Strategic Campaigning

Campaign Central (Tips and resources for campaigners)

Campaign Planning Website


Campaigning: The A to Z of Public Advocacy
By: Des Wilson, Leighton Andrews
Publisher: Hawksmere Ltd
ISBN: 1854180363

How to Win Campaigns: 100 Steps to Success
By: Chris Rose
Publisher: Earthscan
ISBN: 1853839620

The Campaigning Handbook
By: Mark Lattimer
Publisher: Directory of Social Change
ISBN: 1900360632

Campaign against Cruelty – an activists handbook’
By Alex Bourke and Ronny Worsey
Publisher: Scamp Media
ISBN 1-898462-02-X
Available from: Vegetarian Guides, PO Box 2284, London WIA 5UH.
A UK-based animal rights approach

The Art of Strategy: A New Translation of Sun Tzu's ‘The Art of War’
By: Wing
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
ISBN: 0385237847

Animal Welfare Handbook
By: Caroline Clough and Barry Kew
Published by: Fourth Estate, London
ISBN 1-85702-047-2
A good basic introduction to animal welfare issues.

Read 1545 times Last modified on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 19:17

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