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Tuesday, 25 March 2014 18:25

Campaign Tactics

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Devising Your 'Tactics Toolkit'

In devising your tactics for the campaign, always bear in mind:

  • The target audience – the tactics must be right for the audience and culture.
  • Whether the campaign is to be ‘hard-hitting’ or ‘softer’. A hard-hitting campaign might ‘name names’ or overtly criticize officials. A softer campaign might rely on more friendly messages, music, fun events etc.
  • Developing messages – refine the ‘ask’ into a few key points to make and develop communications to reach large numbers of people.
  • Accompanying lobbying. A public campaign will also have behind-the-scenes meetings with decision-makers. Ensure your timing and coordination is effective.

Advocacy Tool

Tool 36. Campaign Tactics
Contains suggested campaign tactics

CIWF Example

For example, here are just some of the tactics included in Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)’s Tactic Toolkit for its battery egg campaign:

  • Meetings with Minister
  • Lobbying letters
  • Vigil
  • Human sized cage events
  • Demonstrations
  • National opinion poll
  • Embassy tour - free-range cake
  • Send-a-hen campaign
  • Report on economic impacts of a ban
  • Newspaper advertising

Further Examples

There are further examples of successful campaigns, including a variety of campaign tactics in the chapter on ‘Campaigning for Social Change’ in WAN’s publication on ‘Professional Animal Protection Society Management’

Read 1480 times Last modified on Monday, 07 April 2014 15:29

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