Module 2: Top Tips

- If you are new to strategic planning either use a facilitator or keep it simple
- Make your strategic planning as participatory as possible in order to gain buy-in and commitment
- Categorize and map your stakeholders, deciding who to involve or consult at each stage
- Plan the process carefully in order to best suit your organization and the issue
- Use a variety of tools, with creative methods included, to ensure that analysis includes both critical and creative thought
- Base your strategy on the research you have carried out
- The choice of policy issue should be based on thorough analysis of the animal welfare, country and policy environment, as well as your organization’s program priorities
- Consider the ‘drivers of change’, as these are critical to achieving advocacy change
- Identify your targets and ways of reaching then (messages and activities)
- Formulate your ask(s) in order to gain maximum support and collaboration for your aim
- Explore ways of joint working - networks, coalitions and alliances
- See the Strategy Process Notes
- Ensure your objectives are clear and focused
- Don’t forget risk analysis - so much can go wrong!