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Tuesday, 01 April 2014 16:53

39. Making Presentations




Description and Purpose:

Tips on making presentations.


Consider the following tips on making presentations, and try to incorporate any that are suitable for your situation.

Talk Structure

Prepare Your Speech

Define your purpose WHY?
Know your audience WHO?
Select content and structure WHAT?

Ensure there are a clear introduction, middle and a conclusion.

You need to prepare your presentation thoroughly, and to practice and rehearse this.

In planning your presentation remember the importance of body language in impact:

The opening should grab the audience’s attention. The body should provide the substance and facts. Then the conclusion should be powerful and memorable

The Body of the Talk

  • Must have clear structure which audience can follow. It helps to set out the main points that will be covered in advance.
  • Restrict the amount covered. You will always take longer than you think! Simpler and focused messages are always more effective.
  • The audience will remember startling ideas, images, stories or facts. Make sure you have examples, stories, illustrations, slides, video clips, analogies, demonstrations and statistics.
  • If you are given a long time for the talk, break it up into short sections.
  • Do not read from your slides or your notes, as this will be boring!

The strong closing – end with a BANG! Leave a final memorable message.

Answering questions
This is an important part of the presentation. Questions can be used to correct misconceptions and move the audience towards your viewpoint. You can relax and act more informally in question session, developing a rapport with the audience. It helps to consider the audience and anticipate likely questions, and your response.

Where a question is unclear, it helps to repeat your understanding of the question before answering. This ensures the audience is aware of the question, and guards against misunderstandings.

You should dress smartly and appropriately to give a professional impression.

Managing Nerves
It is normal to be nervous! Here are a few tips to help you to manage your anxiety:

  • Relax. Drink a little water (but don’t risk alcohol, as this can be counter-productive).
  • Smile at your audience as they come in. Developing a rapport helps you to relax and encourages a sympathetic response.
  • Be prepared. Arrive in good time to check that all the equipment works and your notes are in place.
  • Expect things to go well and your audience to be friendly. Pretend you are confident, even if you do not feel it initially – you soon become confident!
  • Try relaxation and breathing exercises (very calming)
  • Above all, there is no substitute for practice!

Talk Aids
Audio-visual aids such as videos, slides, overhead projector transparencies and computer projectors (PowerPoint) can all improve a presentation. However, if badly used, they can be distracting and annoying! For example, do not be tempted to include too many words, or to turn your back to the audience to read the screen. Do not use too many audio-visual mediums in complex combinations – this has the potential for disaster!

You need to learn how to use them. You also need to be prepared to manage without them in case there is a technical problem! Always arrive early to check that the venue has the equipment you need (in working order) and that the room will have sufficient blackout.

Also, the use of stories, which are easier to remember than facts, and props, can help to illustrate points effectively.

  • Written: Reading out a speech can make it stilted and dull. If you need notes, key words on cards are recommended. Tie the cards together and number them, so you do not drop them or get lost.
  • Video: Video can be a powerful medium, combining sight and sound. Video should only be shown briefly during presentations, but is useful for breaking up presentations.
  • Slides: These are also very powerful. It is much easier to explain what it is like for animals in different systems with a picture on the screen. You need to ensure test the slides in advance to ensure that they are all the right way up and round. Different machines are loaded in different ways! Also, check that the projector is correctly focused.
  • PowerPoint Projectors: PowerPoint is becoming ever more popular, for very good reasons. It can allow a variety of effects on one medium – Notes, photos and video. However, they can lead to technological problems! Most screens (except video) can be printed onto OHP transparencies, as back up.

  • You can take your presentation on a computer disk, or take your own laptop and link this up to the projector.
  • Overhead projectors (OHPs): These have less impact, but are most commonly available. You can even buy your own portable machine and take this with you, if in doubt about facilities. They are also useful ‘back-ups’ to a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Keep OHPs simple and bold, using large font, few words and effective use of color for impact. You can use a piece of paper to cover parts of the OHP, and then reveal information bit by bit. You can put pictures or cartoons into OHPs.
    As with other audio-visual equipment, check beforehand to make sure the projector is correctly focused.






Description and Purpose:

Tips on verbal communication.


Consider the following communication tips for public speaking and negotiation, and try to incorporate any approaches that are suitable for your national situation.

Voice and Delivery

  • Voice: Speak clearly and project your voice. Speak with enthusiasm and conviction. Don’t talk too quickly, or too slowly.
  • Language: Avoid the use of abbreviations, jargon or complex language. Simple, expressive speech is more effective.
  • Humor: Humor can increase interest, but ensure that it is used appropriately.
  • Statistics: The use of statistics or figures can be effective if they are used sparingly and for impact (e.g. 91% of all children around the world are now in school. But that still leaves 72 million children missing out.). But beware as too many statistics can be boring!
  • Respect: Avoid using derogatory remarks relating to race, creed, sex, age or color, as these can offend and alienate.

Assertive Communication

  • Speak in short, direct sentences
  • Use phrases such as “I think,” “I believe,” and “in my opinion” to show that you assume responsibility for your thoughts.
  • Ask others to clarify what they are saying when you are not certain you understand them.
  • Describe events objectively rather than exaggerating or embellishing.

Body Language

  • Maintain eye contact (as this helps to build up a relationship). Switch eye contact between people when talking with a group.
  • Avoid overt body language and mannerisms. Be relaxed and confident. Have an open posture and gestures. Don’t be rigid, but don’t fidget or gesticulate too much.
  • Stand upright, with a relaxed stance. Place your feet comfortably apart, and arms hanging loosely by your side (when not in use).
  • Smile at those you are talking to (when appropriate). Convey charisma and warmth.
  • Maintain an easy spatial distance. Try to get close to those you are talking to, but not too close as to crowd them.
  • Don’t be afraid of silence or pauses. Some space and time is sometimes needed for the person you are with to think and reflect.

Active Listening

  • Watch for non-verbal signals
  • Lean forward and look interested
  • Pay attention: do not let your mind wander on to what you are going to say next!
  • Show empathy
  • Summarize to show understanding
  • Use encouraging contact words (e.g. "I see") or nod in agreement
  • Ask non-threatening, open questions (to build understanding and dialogue)
  • Do not fiddle, look bored or look at your watch
  • Do not interrupt, change the subject or bring in your own viewpoints when the target is talking
Tuesday, 01 April 2014 16:15

37. Top Tips for Lobbying




Description and Purpose:

Consider the following ‘top tips for lobbyists’, and try to incorporate any approaches that are suitable for your national situation.

Top Tips for Lobbyists

Planning and Preparing

  • Make a lobbying plan: WHAT is the case, WHO makes the decisions, WHEN do we deal with our targets, HOW do we deal with them, WHY is every action necessary?
  • The objective must be realistic. Ask yourself: can we make this a ‘yes-able’ proposition?
  • Always think: why should you want to know me, deal with this, read this? Put yourself in their shoes.
  • Do less but do it better. Most lobbying is done to too many people in not enough depth.
  • Good research is the base of your lobbying: source every statement or fact, anticipate the arguments against you and deal with them there and then.
  • Some basic parliamentary monitoring is useful but high quality intelligence is more important (i.e. actively obtaining views on policy formulation, feedback on representations, attitudes towards your organization or issue).

Building Relations

  • Make sure there is a point to every contact. The system only has so much patience.
  • Assess the right level of seniority of official to build a relationship with.
  • If necessary, use directories or consultants to help identify officials with interests similar to yours.
  • In 90% of UK and 70% of EU cases Parliament changes nothing. You must agree your case with officials and Ministers first. Only a few cases are genuinely political.

Winning and Losing

  • Never crow about your victories.
  • Do not surprise the system. Brief officials before you meet Ministers, brief front bench researchers before meeting opposition spokesmen and advise officials before any announcement relevant to them.
  • Never get NO on the record – it is better to withdraw and fight again.
  • It’s never won until its won, there are many case when issues changed at the last minute.

Source: Adapted from Politico (pp312-316)

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 16:08

36. Campaign Tactics




Description and Purpose:

Suggested campaign tactics.


Consider the tactics below for inclusion in your campaign ‘tactics toolkit’.

  • Media campaign (programs or media-worthy stunts)
  • Protest or solidarity marches (make merry, have noise/music)
  • Picketing (effective where customers can be made aware of the issue)
  • Sit-ins (passive resistance)
  • Public meetings or workshops
  • Public speeches at events
  • Street information stalls
  • Theatre performance about an issue (street theatre, film, TV or radio)
  • Musical events or song about the issue
  • Concerts (with a film about the issue playing in the background and/or to raise funds for the campaign)
  • Product’ ‘dumps’ (e.g. throwing away or burning a product - for the media, to draw attention to a product that harms the environment, or uses child labor)
  • Picture opportunities (for media)
  • Leafleting
  • Letter writing or postcard campaigns or petitions

These are just a few campaigning methods that could be used. There are many others, and it is also good to develop new and creative tactics.

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 15:56

35. Critical Path Analysis and PERT




Description and Purpose:

This is a tool for scheduling and managing complex project activities


Critical Path Analysis (CPA) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) are tools that enable you to schedule and manage complex projects. They were developed in the 1950s to control large defense projects, and have been used widely since.

The benefit of using critical path analysis techniques over Gantt Charts is that critical path analysis formally identifies tasks which must be completed on time for the whole project to be completed on time, and also identifies which tasks can be delayed for a while if resources need to be reallocated to catch up on missed tasks. The disadvantage of critical path analysis is that the relation of tasks to time is not as immediately obvious in complex projects as it is in Gantt Charts. This can make them more difficult to understand.

A further benefit of critical path analysis is that it helps you to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project. Where you need to run an accelerated project, it helps you to identify which project steps you should accelerate to complete the project within the available time. This helps you to minimize cost while still achieving your objective.

As with Gantt Charts, critical path analysis helps you to plan all tasks that must be completed as part of a project. They act as the basis both for preparation of a schedule, and of resource planning. During management of a project, they allow you to monitor achievement of project aims. They help you to see where remedial action needs to be taken to get a project back on course.

The critical path represents the sequence of tasks or events that directly affect the completion of a project. Knowing the critical path allows the project manager to shorten or at least control a project's schedule by focusing on those tasks that directly affect the project's completion.

The following is a simple example of critical path analysis:

A = Completion of activities
B = Earliest completion time
Latest completion time

Example of Buttered Toast


Get bread 5
Get butter 5
Get knife 3
Bread in toaster 2
Toasting 60
Butter toast 8


The minimum task period is 75 seconds.

The critical line is the middle one – this has to be well managed to ensure the task is completed in minimum time.

Critical Path Analysis is an effective and powerful method of assessing:

  • What tasks must be carried out
  • Where parallel activity can be performed
  • The shortest time in which you can complete a project
  • Resources needed to execute a project
  • The sequence of activities, scheduling and timings involved
  • Task priorities
  • The most efficient way of shortening time on urgent projects

As with Gantt Charts, in practice project managers tend to use software tools like Microsoft Project to create critical path analysis charts. Not only do these make them easier to draw, they also make modification of plans easier and provide facilities for monitoring progress against plans.

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

PERT is a variation on critical path analysis that takes a slightly more skeptical view of time estimates made for each project stage. To use it, estimate the shortest possible time each activity will take, the most likely length of time, and the longest time that might be taken if the activity takes longer than expected.

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 15:48

34. Gantt Charts




Description and Purpose:

This is a tool for plotting project activities against a ‘Time-Line’.


A Gantt chart is a ‘Time-Line’, which plots project activities against a calendar (as below example). Durations for each task are shown graphically on a timescale ranging from hours to a year. You can adapt the chart to suit your own project and the timescale you need to cover. You can also include views of tasks, resources, or resource usage by task, for example:

Gantt Charts are useful tools for analyzing and planning more complex projects. They:

  • Help you to plan out the tasks that need to be completed
  • Give you a basis for scheduling when these tasks will be carries out
  • Allow you to plan the allocation of resources needed to complete the project
  • Help you to analyze and manage the dependencies between tasks.

At the implementation planning stage, Gantt charts can help to identify periods of scare resources, enabling the timing of activities to be changed in order to prevent blockages (and stress!). They are a useful tool to test the feasibility of plans (in terms of time and resource usage).

When a project is underway, Gantt charts are useful for monitoring progress. You can immediately see what should have been achieved at a point in time, and can therefore take remedial action to bring the project back on course. This can be essential for the successful implementation of the project.

Tuesday, 01 April 2014 15:45

33. Media Interviews




Description and Purpose:

Advice about media interviews.


Read the following advice, and apply it for media interviews (in so far as it is applicable to your national situation).

Interview Preparation

  • Research the program
  • Find out the aim and angle of the interview
  • Why you, and who else will be interviewed?
  • Ask for type of questions to be asked, and the first question
  • Live or recorded?
  • Who will be interviewer?
  • Length of interview?
  • Audience?
  • Recap your issue
  • Focus on your ‘ask’
  • Formulate and learn 3 main ‘points to make’ in support of this
  • Consider all possible questions and practice answers.

Interview Tips


  • Dress smartly
  • Be punctual
  • Be relaxed, be yourself
  • Answer crisply and directly, speak slowly and clearly
  • Keep language and message simple.
  • Give ‘sound bites’ of around 20 seconds (practice this!)
  • Get your main points in
  • Be sure of your facts
  • Always sound reasonable and thoughtful
  • Paint pictures, use examples
  • Be positive and upbeat
  • Try to be personable and express passion for the issue
  • Be prepared to answer uncomfortable or difficult questions.
  • Speak clearly and in a natural voice. Avoid getting upset or angry.
  • Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.
  • Mention your organization


  • Exaggerate
  • Lose your cool
  • Be aggressive, even if challenged
  • Be tricked by leading questions
  • Waffle or ramble on
  • Get sidetracked from your message




Description and Purpose:

Advice about writing successful ‘letters to editors’ and opinion articles.


Read the following advice, and apply it whenever preparing ‘letters to editors’ and opinion articles (in so far as it is applicable to your national situation).

Letters to the Editors

Letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines provide readers with the opportunity to comment on issues covered by the publication. While only a certain limited number of letters are actually selected for publication, letters to the editor provide a simple way to communicate to a wide audience.

Most publications contain specific guidelines for submitting a letter to the editor, including very limited word-counts. Most publications require letters of less than 200 words. This means that letters must be concise. To increase the chances of publication, letters should comply with the publication guidelines, refer to previous articles or current events, and include contact information.

Tips for Editors Letters

  • Keep letter tightly composed
  • Use specific examples
  • One point per letter
  • Accurate, up-to-date information
  • Don’t make personal attacks on those opposing your viewpoint
  • Always sign your name
  • Include contact details

Opinion Articles

In addition to letters to the editor, newspapers also include opinion pieces that are written by members of the community rather than by journalists. Opinion articles provide the opportunity to comment more extensively on an issue of public concern or debate.

Publication of an opinion piece is more difficult than getting a letter to the editor published. To increase the chances of publication, the topic should be related to current issues.

Monday, 31 March 2014 15:52

31. Writing a Press Release




Description and Purpose:

Advice about writing successful press releases.


Read the following advice, and apply it whenever preparing press releases (in so far as it is applicable to your national situation).

Press Releases

Issuing a press release is a way to notify the media of a story or development. The release should be no longer than one page, and provide details on the development as well as background information on the larger issues. The release is then sent directly to media outlets. Media outlets that want to cover the story will use the release, either verbatim or as background information.

Effective press releases should have most important information in first paragraph and the rest in descending order of importance

Heading: short, eye catching, includes main points

First paragraph should answer 5W's:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why

This information should be start with the most important information first followed by less important information.

Body: Give essentials, then ‘background notes’. Include:

  • One issue only
  • Background on organization
  • One page only – short and to the point
  • Quotes – from credible figure (affected community, advocacy leaders, influential figure or celebrity spokesperson), include ‘sound bites’ that are readily quoted and remembered
  • Photo opportunities
  • Facts only – don’t exaggerate
  • Statistics

The quote should be contained within the first two paragraphs.

Background notes: include contact details and any explanations for clarity but not necessarily for publication. Include an ‘all hours’ contact and phone number and spokesperson details (if you are doing a national release, try to find local people to be available to speak to local media).

Include a release date, which is the date the release can be published. It should be clearly stated on the top of the release. If it can be published immediately, the release should state ‘FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE’.

Send press releases to named journalists, where possible. Follow up with a call afterwards, ostensibly to offer them something further.

Sunday, 30 March 2014 20:34

30. Successful Media Coverage




Description and Purpose:

The following advice is in two sections. The ‘13 Steps to Successful Coverage’ contain advice on obtaining media coverage and the ‘Other Guidance on Contacts with the Media’ contains general advice on your dealings with the media.


Read the following advice, and apply it whenever applicable to your work with the media.

13 Steps to Successful Coverage

  1. Keep it short
  2. Strip your message to the bare bones. People hardly have time to read these days. Put any detailed information in a `fact page' at the end.
  3. Think headlines
  4. If the crux of your message cannot be expressed in a few impactful words (maybe a sentence) it's unlikely to be successful.
  5. Use consistent slogans/'sound bites'
  6. This is the best way to make your campaign instantly recognizable, especially over an extended period. Make sure these summarize the central points of your message.
  7. Do it regularly
  8. Regular communication is essential to build a loyal and expectant constituency.
  9. Be positive
  10. Do not use a message that is totally negative. Offer a practical solution to the problem. This can inspire people.
  11. Set the agenda
  12. Redefine the problem to fit your solution.
  13. Be visual
  14. Pictures are much more effective and memorable than words, especially if they reinforce emotions. Forget the intellectual high ground. You are more likely to attract television attention if you can supply plenty of visual material either in advance or at the time of the launch. Broadcast quality tapes can be used. You can also create an event that will provide good pictures for TV.
  15. Appeal to emotions in news stories
  16. E.g. conflict, fear, triumph over adversity (David & Goliath).
  17. Entertain
  18. Think of the media as theatre; it is primarily for entertainment. Recruit celebrities, leaders, or influential figures as a spokespeople. Devise creative ways of using celebrities for entertaining.
  19. Match the medium
  20. Tailor the message to fit the different types of media, and different publications where possible.
  21. Limit the campaign
  22. Keep campaign segments to less than three months, otherwise everyone forgets the message, people lose interest and the campaign loses momentum.
  23. Use events to boost your release
  24. Events can help to get media attention, but you need to think about them from the media's point of view. It can take a lot to get the press away from their desks! However with a little thought, you can make things interesting. A senior government minister or celebrity will interest the media - if they've got something to say. A huge pile of letters dumped on the lawns outside your parliament will make a good picture. But an unknown person handing a politician a petition is unlikely to get the cameras rolling.
  25. Develop your theme over time
  26. Try to get regular feature coverage with national magazines, newspaper feature writers, 'magazine' style TV programs etc. Journalists do not generally want you to write the stories for them, but they do like you to feed them story ideas and background information. This is best done on a one-to-one basis e.g. by e-mail or over the telephone. Don't harass them, but keep in regular contact.

Other Guidance on Contacts with the Media

  • Only put forward ‘newsworthy’ items – consider news ‘angle’ carefully.
  • Human/animal interest stories work well too (personalize – helps empathy).
  • All quotes should be well rehearsed – even if made to look spontaneous.
  • In all contacts with the media, ensure that you give essential information first – before the background and the detail.
  • Always be factual and accurate.
  • Never lie to a reporter. You will always get caught, and you'll lose credibility for yourself and your organization.
  • Never use ‘off the record’ briefings!
  • Think carefully before turning down media opportunities: Is there scope for mission achievement, new supporters or financial support? If not, you may decide to decline? Also, do not hesitate to decline if you have no real expertise in the subject, it is outside your remit or you believe the media are ‘setting you up’.
  • Respond immediately to media inquiries. Media people live by deadlines. If they can't get your side of the story right away, they may opt to do without it.
  • Acknowledge problems. Denial causes mistrust. Most people, including reporters, will be sympathetic to genuine problems.
  • Reporters have to protect sources, so your need to protect a source will usually be understood.
  • Always be helpful and polite. Thank them for their help, and for any good articles or coverage; don’t moan or complain when they don’t.
  • Local media (newspapers and TV stations may be easier targets, especially if there is a local angle).
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