World Animal Net (WAN) Animal Protection Society Resources: Lobbying
Policy Engagement: How Civil Society Can be More Effective
Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest
The Democracy Centre – Free Advocacy Materials
Hearts and Minds – Effective Lobbying
Politico's Guide to Political Lobbying
By: Charles Miller
Publisher: Politico's Publishing
ISBN: 1902301250
The Nonprofit Lobbying Guide: Advocating Your Cause-and Getting Results
By: Smucker
Publisher: Jossey Bass Wiley
ISBN: 1555423744
So You Want to Be a Lobbyist? Guide to the World of Political Lobbying
By: Corinne Souza, Iain Dale
Publisher: Politico's Publishing
ISBN: 1902301005
Amnesty International Handbook
Publisher: Amnesty International UK
ISBN: 0862102057
European Lobbying Guide: A Guide on Whom and How to Lobby
By: Bryan Cassidy
Publisher: Thorogood
ISBN: 1854181440
The lobbyist needs to:
A lobbyist should also have the right attitude:
Lobbying is a combination of psychology and legal/political knowledge. You need to know the legislation and the policy context. But equally important is to know the people involved – both their positions and power bases, and their personal attributes.
Advocacy Tool Tool 37. Top Tips for Lobbying |
Some corporate lobbyists have given lobbying a bad reputation. They take any opportunity to speak to the media, and get ‘profile’ even if they do not know the real facts. They like to spend time with major ‘figureheads’, and like to ‘wine and dine’. But often they do not know the policy issue in any depth.
There are three main errors in NGO lobbying:
Charles Miller of Charles Miller Associates
- 'Speak First, Think Later'
- Knowing 'People in High Places'
- 'Eating Your Way Out of Trouble
We believe that effective lobbying for animal welfare NGOs is not about status and influence: it is about changing the ‘hearts and minds’ of policy makers – using information, communication, public pressure and engagement - to benefit animal welfare.
Charles Miller’s observation highlights the need for research – and this would include not only the issue in question, but also political structures, processes and systems.
Timing is a vital element of lobbying strategy. Key questions include:
You also need to focus for maximum impact. This means having just one agreed priority at any time (which should take most of your time and effort).
Build Your Support Base
Neutralize Your Opposition
Use Effective Arguments
Understanding and Exploiting Weaknesses
Understand and Counter Prejudices
Two tried and tested ways of gaining policy influence are to:
Advocacy Tool Tool 9. Force Field Analysis |
Formal linkages with other organizations (coalitions, networks and alliances) are dealt with in Module 4 – Networking & Alliances - but this is not the only way to increase your support base. Other options are to:
It is often easier to obtain this sort of support if your issue is high profile or popular. Media coverage can raise its profile, and thus its support base. Celebrities and high profile individuals can be keen to be associated with the ‘issues of the day’, as this will help their popularity.
Networks and alliances are usually formed from like-minded organizations, but unusual allies can also be useful to an advocacy campaign. Whilst motivations for support may differ, it will help your cause if more organizations are pressing for the same outcomes. For example, national slaughterhouses may support a campaign to ban the export of live animals. Think outside the box when considering potential allies – but beware of any potential risk to your reputation through ‘unholy alliances’.
As regards neutralizing your opposition, this entails knowing them well, in particular: their beliefs, motivations, weaknesses and limitations. You can neutralize by:
Both of these can be done verbally or practically (e.g. by using pilot studies).
You can also make the opposition a target of your advocacy, trying to convert them to your solutions.
A range of arguments can be used in support of different issues e.g.:
NB. It is often the case that whilst the higher arguments hold more moral force, the lower arguments hold more sway (as they directly affect vested interests). Influence can be gained through understanding these different arguments, and being able to use them effectively.
When you research your targets and opposition you will come across weaknesses (personal or role) that can be strategically exploited in order to gain influence. These might include:
Of course, these are simple generalizations. It is always preferable to know individuals, rather than making broad assumptions.
As far as political influence is concerned, remember that election time is ‘crazy season’! Prospective politicians will agree to much more, if they feel it will be beneficial to their election campaign. But consider very carefully before you make deals with politicians. You need to be committed to your cause for the long-term, and with credibility. You will need to be sure that any short-term deals do not bring risks to your work.
You will come across various prejudices as you try to influence others on your issue. These may include the following:
Possible ways to overcome/answer these prejudices are:
The advice given in this course will help you to build policy influence. You need influence in order to build political will in favor of policy change. Whilst evidence is important to establishing your credibility, there is more to influence than evidence. You need to establish what is important to the battle for influence in your own country. Then you can use your resources to achieve the maximum influence. There has been some interesting generic research in this field; and this may also help you in this task.
The Top ‘Ways in Which Organisations Seek to Influence Policy’ (Kornsweig et al. 2006) are said to be:
(This is not a comprehensive list)
For more on this see Kornsweig 2006
Another important avenue of policy influence is the building of important and influential allies.
In terms of personal strengths relevant to influencing policy, the following are very important:
Tip: Lobbying is best designed and carried out by nationals of a country with a good political understanding. |
Working with Policymakers ("Insider Advocacy")
Face to Face Meetings
Conferences, Seminars, Public Meetings etc.
International Conferences
Demonstrating the Problem or Possible Solutions
Legal Challenges
Written and Verbal Representations
There are various ways of lobbying: trying to influence policy-makers from the inside (working together with them on your issue), consultations, conferences, public meetings, lobbying in face-to-face meetings, and written or telephone communications. These are explained briefly below.
It is possible to exert considerable policy influence if you are able to work inside the system. You can develop this relationship through service delivery work on the issue, or through involvement in advisory forums (e.g. government committees or working groups). As your organization develops the expertise you will begin to be recognized and accepted as ‘experts’ and as a resource by policy-makers. Working ‘on the inside’ enables you to get to know policy-makers, and thus to influence them more effectively.
Example of Insider Advocacy: Following advocacy, the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments was able to place a representative on the European Union (EU) committee that carried out ethical review of animal experiments funded by the EU. The representative was able to table research and papers favoring alternatives to animal experiments, as well as influencing opinions on individual research projects. |
However, such approaches are not without their drawbacks. These include:
You need to choose the right representative for any dealings with policy-makers, but this is particularly true of insider lobbying: your representative should be a recognized expert, but also have a strong personality, and commitment to your issue and values.
In many countries there are now many NGOs or interest groups who have an opinion on policy issues. The government may launch a ‘consultation’ to gather opinions and views on a topic. Try to be present at these consultations or feed in your views by sending a short, well written document. An important advocacy skill you should develop is the ability to analyze and comment on strategies, policies and legislation. This is helped by relevant policy knowledge, and knowing your issue thoroughly from a practical perspective (so you understand the impact of the provisions for animals and animal welfare organizations on the ground).
Face-to-face meetings play an important role in lobbying.
These may take a long time to arrange – be persistent. Once you have a meeting with a decision-maker, prepare well. It is usually good to go with one or two colleagues, and each of you should have a role. For example: one may do introductions, another describe the research, another give personal testimony. It will probably be a short meeting. Try to make a timetable and stick to it. Have a small number of points you want to make and make sure you say them. Do not get diverted. And - most importantly – do not forget your ‘ask’!
Working in networks or coalitions you may get the chance to feed the views of a number of agencies to the ‘target’. It is advantageous if your organization is chosen to represent a coalition because you get to meet the decision makers face to face.
Making presentations on your issue can help to influence various policy audiences. This may be with photos, or a poster, but nowadays is more likely with a computer. Therefore in your group you need someone who can speak eloquently, and someone who can make a short presentation on the computer. (‘PowerPoint’ is the best tool.) This will depend on the meeting – be sure to find out beforehand what is expected, how formal it will be, how long, and who will be there.
You can lobby on your issue at any relevant conferences, seminars, public meetings, workshops or other relevant events. This has the big advantage that key policy thinkers on your issue will come and be present in the same place, focused on discussing the issues.
Three ways to go about this are:
If you can arrange it, attend global conferences where key practitioners and policy makers get together. The OIE’s conferences on animal welfare are examples of this. There are other conferences on issues which are relevant to animal welfare as well (such as sustainable development, biodiversity etc.).
They use these abstracts to decide if your work is interesting enough to invite you to attend. If your abstract is accepted then you will be able to present to one of the sessions. Make sure you submit your abstract exactly in the way requested. The length, the font size, the subject matter must be exactly as they request, otherwise your work will not be considered. Of course to be able to write a good abstract you will need to have good program work ‘on the ground’, i.e. - good experience to share, or good research. In your organization or group you will need to develop the habit of assessing your work, and learning from your experiences, so that you can share your new learning.
Apart from conferences there are other ways to share your issues with policy-makers. You can take them – or their advisers – to see the problem at first hand, meeting with and speaking to those personally involved with the animal welfare impact. Alternatively, you can record the evidence (video, photographs, reports, case studies etc.) in order to demonstrate the animal welfare impact of the problem.
You can also carry out or support pilot projects in order to demonstrate that your suggested solutions will work in practice.
Recording and spreading good practice is a positive and practical advocacy tool.
Some animal welfare organizations use the law to further their cause, for example:
This can be done through a variety of means, including: judicial reviews, using the ombudsman, advertising standards, the courts, enforcement authorities etc. To engage in any legal advocacy you need to have staff members (or experts) who definitely know what they are doing!
You can lobby using written representations, but if possible these should lead up to face-to-face meetings. You can present your views to decision makers using mediums such as:
One scenario is that you prepare a report which you send the decision-maker to get their attention – then ask for a meeting to discuss the report. Try to get the target to agree to some of the recommendations. After the meeting you will want to put in writing what was agreed. And if necessary, follow up to ensure there is some movement towards implementation.
Module 6 on ‘Media and Communications’ covers the whole range of communications: including written, face-to-face, meetings and negotiations.
Lobbying is a vital part of the move towards social change. Unlike campaigning, which aims to reach large numbers of activists or the general public, lobbying is an activity to reach a small number of key decision makers on a specific issue.
Lobbying can be used to achieve a number of legislative aims, including:
It can also be used to influence consumers and animal use industries.
Influencing decision makers means engaging with your target, e.g. the mayor, a legislator or a company chief - in a way that will bring about policy change. Your lobbying strategy should be backed by thorough research – you can only influence successfully if you understand the people involved, and their motivations. You need to be clear about: what you are asking for; who you are targeting; and how you will reach them.
Tip It weakens your case if you target policymakers with more than one 'ask' at any time. |
Effective communication is the essence of successful lobbying. Lobbying needs to be carried out by people who know their subject. To lobby well you need to be an expert in your field, or at least be confident that you know your facts on your issue.
To carry out educational work without lobbying is akin to laying foundations without ever building the house (although others may well do this later). To carry out practical/service provision work without lobbying is akin to continuously patching up the symptoms of a disease without attempting a cure (although one is known/available).
Many animal welfare organizations are apprehensive about lobbying, as it appears to be a very complex and technical activity, and few activists have governmental or political backgrounds. In reality, if you do your research and get to know the people involved, it will no longer be a threat or a mystery.
What is Lobbying?
Ways of Lobbying
Building Policy Influence
Gathering Support and Neutralizing Opposition
Timing and Focus
The Lobbyist
Further Resources
This module looks at the role of lobbying in advocacy. It defines lobbying, looks at the role of the lobbyist and what it takes to become a successful animal welfare lobbyist. Various lobbying issues and skills are examined.
Learning objectives: