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Tuesday, 01 April 2014 18:24

42. Advocacy Evaluation Case Study

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Description and Purpose:

This tool is an example of an advocacy evaluation case study.


Analyze and write up an advocacy case study, using the following questions as a guide to structure.

The case study should take three to five minutes to explain.

  1. What was the problem?
  2. Who decided to advocate on the problem (i.e. brief details of the NGOs/AW organizations involved)?
  3. What was the advocacy objective?
  4. Who did you advocate to?
  5. What methods did you use?
  6. What difficulties did you face?
  7. How did you overcome any difficulties?
  8. What were the results of your advocacy?
  9. What factors (or activities) contributed to these results?
  10. 1If appropriate: where did you obtain the evidence or information that was used?
  11. 1What sources of assistance/support did you find most helpful?
  12. What did you learn from doing this advocacy?
  13. Why do you think this is an important example?
  14. What do you think your organization could learn from this example?

Use photos, drawings or other ‘visuals’ to provide a human/animal angle to your information. Are the people and organizations featured in your case study aware of how it might be used, and what the consequences might be?

Consider including the following:

  • Content & Process
  • Description of change – initial situation; what has changed; how it happened
  • Explanation for choice – who was involved; why this change is meaningful/relevant
  • Lessons/recommendations – what this change tells us
  • Selected by participants as part of review process
  • Reasons for choice and lessons/recommendations for follow-up discussed as part of selection process
Read 2764 times Last modified on Monday, 07 April 2014 20:23

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