World Animal Net Resources
World Animal Net (WAN) resources include further background information on various related subjects, such as: campaigning, lobbying, research, investigations and media.
WSPA Member Society Manual (2006)
WSPA’s manual includes various relevant chapters, including: Part 2 Chapters 9 (Campaigning), 10 (Lobbying) and 11 (Media).
Amnesty International Campaigning Manual
Amnesty International Publications, London, 1997. A reference book aiming to pass on the experience of 35 years of AI campaigning. It is easy to read and full of interesting information. Advocacy principles are the same, whatever the issue.
VSO – Voluntary Service Overseas (February 2012). Participatory Advocacy: A toolkit for VSO staff, volunteers and partners.
ISBN 978-1-903697-17-7.
A comprehensive advocacy toolkit, which uses ‘best practice’ from across the development movement.
Intrac Advocacy and Campaigning Course Toolkit
Advocacy training toolkit from the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC).
Networking for Policy Change: An Advocacy Training Manual
The Policy Project by The Futures Group International. A project of the US Agency for International Development. First printed October 1999.
A comprehensive advocacy manual.
Advocacy: Building Skills for NGO Leaders.
Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). 1 November 1999.
CEDPA’s manual is based on CEDPA’s experience in building the skills of nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders to advocate for change in the reproductive health arena. It is in a training workshop format, but contains some useful background information.
Tearfund International Learning Zone – Advocacy
Includes training materials and advocacy toolkit
‘A’ Frame for Advocacy from the Population Communication Services, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA.
A concise and effect advocacy guide, using a new framework
Creating Campaigns that Change the World
Ideas and lessons from successful campaigns of the past, such as the Jubilee 2000 Campaign and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, as well as many new initiatives.
A New Weave of Power, People and Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizens. By Just Associates, 2002
Advocacy training tools and know-how, based around power and the building of constituencies.
Policy Engagement: How Civil Society can be More Effective
Overseas Development Institute. 2006
Tools for Policy Impact: A Handbook for Researchers
Overseas Development Institute. Daniel Start and Ingie Hovland. October 2004
Campaigning... the A to Z of Public Advocacy
Des Wilson. Hawksmere Ltd. 1994.
The Campaigning Handbook (2nd Edition)
By Mark Lattimer. Published by Directory of Social Change
News for a Change: An Advocate’s Guide to Working with the Media
Sage Publications, Inc. Wallack, L. et al. 1999
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire. September 2000.
Practical Techniques for Effective Lobbying.
By Hawksmere Special Briefing. Charles Miller.