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June 2014



   9    Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking; Meeting
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Washington, DC, USA

  9-13   Animal Welfare and Rights International Conference
Catholic Concern for Animals - Cameroon
Limbe Municipality Hall, Limbe South Cameroon

   11    Humane Lobby Day 2014 - Sacramento
Humane Society of the United States
Sacramento, California, USA

   11    Pets for Life: Strategic Community Outreach Webmail
Humane Society of the United States

   12    Animal Sacrifice, Religion, and the Law: The Practice of Using Chickens as Kaporos
United Poultry Concerns
New York City, New York, USA

 12-13  European Forum of Animal Welfare Councils
International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information
Teramo, Italy

   14     March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
Paris, France; London, UK; Sydney, Australia; Toronto, Canada; Los Angeles, USA; Montreal, Canada; New York, USA

 17-19  Ad hoc Working Group on the Animal Welfare of Working Equids
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France

 23-27  First United Nations Environment Assembly (addressing Illegal Wildlife Trafficking)
United Nations Environment Programme
Nairobi, Kenya

 24-26  Working Group on Animal Welfare
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France

 24-28  National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics 2014 Conference
National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics
Louisville, Kentucky, USA

    26    Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Conference IV: UFAW Animal Welfare Conference
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
York, the United Kingdom

 27-30  Taking Action for Animals
Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA

   28   Bournemouth Vegan Fair
Dorset Vegan
Bournemouth, UK

 28-19  Speak for Wolves
Numerous sponsors
Arch Park and Gardniner, Montana

 June 28-July 6  5th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
Animal World USA-International


From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
  • 1

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