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May 2014



    23    The Ghosts in Our Machine Screening with post-film Q&A with Liz Marshall
Presented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund
Oakland, California, USA

   23    World Turtle Day
American Tortoise Rescue

    27     "Death at Seaworld": Examining Killer Whales in Captivity
New York City Bar Committee on Animal Law

   29    Registration opens for the Jane Goodall Institute's Summer 2014 Online Course: "Turning Learners into Leaders: Empowering Youth through Service in Education"
Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots

   29    Conference: Should Primates Be Kept as Pets in the UK?
Born Free Foundation
London, UK

   29    Oportunidades de Mercado para los Huevos de Pastoreo en Costa Rica / Market Opportunities for Free Range Eggs in Costa Rica
Humane Society International
San José, Costa Rica

 May 29-June 1  Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society 2014 Conference
Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society 
Newport, Rhode Island, USA

    30     School of Law Roundtable Seminar: Wildlife Law Reform and the Future Protection of Wildlife
Middlesex University School of Law
Hendon, North London, UK

  30   Stop the Badger Cull March and Rally in London
The Great Badger Trail 2014 - A 10 Day March from Gloucester to London
London, UK

  31   4th Annual National Animal Rights Day - Los Angeles
National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA

  31   4th Annual National Animal Rights Day - San Francisco
National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA

  31   Why Does the Left Largely Ignore Animal Issues?
United Poultry Concerns
New York City, New York, USA


From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
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