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January 2014



    3     7th Annual Animal Law Reception at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting
Animal Legal Defense Fund
New York City, New York, USA

    4     Protest Against Culling/Baiting Sharks
Speakers include Director of Sea Shephard Australia and Founder of Western Australians for Shark Conservation
Cotteslow, Western Australia

  4-10   99th Anniversary of Be Kind to Animals Week
American Humane Association

    5     National Bird Day
Born Free USA

   12     Chicago Vegan Pledge Talk
Mercy for Animals
Chicago, Illinois, USA

   13     Seminar: Combatting London's Wildlife Crime
London, the United Kingdom

 13-17  Asia for Animals Conference
Asia for Animals Coalition

   16     Hearing on the Ivory Trade
Assembly Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation
New York City, New York, USA

   17     Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre Opens to the Public
Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

   17     Lecture on"Without Human Rights No Animal Rights"
Worldwide Events Ending Animal Cruelty Germany
Münster, Germany

 24-26  Parrot Festival 2014
National Parrot Rescue and Preservation Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA

   25      Peaceful Demonstration for the Ban of Ivory
Action for Elephants UK
London, UK

   29     Human Animal Conflict: Balancing Property Rights, Nuisances, & Public Safety with Animal Welfare, Conservation, and Humanity
Animal Legal Defense Fund
New York City, New York, USA

  29-31  Regional Consultative Workshop for the Implementation of New CITES Listings of Sharks and Manta Rays
Casablanca, Morrocco

   30     Indonesian Primate Day
ProFauna Indonesia


From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
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