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   1    Rodent and Rabbit Welfare Group Meeting
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Edinburgh, UK

   1    Environmental Humanities Series: Captured at Sea: Trafficking, Slavery, and Illegal Fishing on the Open Ocean
NYU Center for the Humanities
New York, New York, USA

   1    World Vegan Day
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

   1    World Vegan Day

   2    Animal Welfare and Religion Symposium
University of Winchester
Winchester, Hampshire, UK

   2    Discussion of Bill C-246 The Modernizing Animal Protection Act: Why it failed
The University of Toronto Law School
Edinburgh, UK

    3     Georgia Animal Law CLE Conference
Animal Law Source and Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia and online

    3     One Health Day
One Health Commission
Atlanta, Georgia and online

    4     Marine Mammals in the Desert: Laws Regulating Captive Marine Mammals and Swimming with Dolphins in Arizona
State Bar of Arizona
Tuscon, Arizona, USA

 4-6  Badger Trust Conference
Badger Trust
Hertfordshire, UK

    5     Animal Law and Environmental Law: Building Collaboration
Yale Law School
New Haven, Connecticut, USA

    5     Third Annual UC Davis One Health Symposium
UC Davis
Davis, California, USA

    5     American Pets Alive Conference
Austin Pets Alive!
Austin, Texas, USA

 5-7  Sixth Annual No-Kill Conference
Best Friends Animal Society and Maddie's Fund
Austin, Texas, USA

 6-12  National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
National Humane Education Society

 7-18  22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the UNFCCC
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Marrakesh, Marrakech, Morocco

    8     Endangered Species and International Law
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    8     Wild Animal Welfare: Challenges and Opportunities
State Bar of Arizona
Edinburgh, UK

 9-10  The 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Bonn, Germany

   10    2016 World Horse Welfare Conference
World Horse Welfare
London, UK

   10    Prosecuting Companion Animal Cruelty: Challenges, Triumphs, & Lessons Learned
American University Washington College of Law
Washington, D.C., USA

   10    What Does the Fox Say? Understanding Animal Cognition
New York University School of Journalism
New York, New York, USA

 10-11  2nd Global Conference on One Health
World Veterinary Assocation
Kitakyushu City, Japan

 12-13  8th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress
World Veterinary Assocation
Thrisser, Kerala, India

 12-13  2016 15th Annual North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Durango, Colorado, USA

 12-13  The 2016 Symposium on Multidisciplinary Research in Effective Animal Advocacy
Animal Charity Evaluators
Princeton, New Jersey, USA

 12-13  Animal Politics: Justice, Power and the State
International School Voor Wijsbegeerte
Leusden, Germany

   12    Atlanta VegFest 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

   12    Tampa Bay Vegfest
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

   12    The Spay Neuter Summit
Philadelephia, Pennsylvania, USA

 12-20  Arkansas Week for the Animals
Animal World, USA
Arkansas, USA

   13    National Day of the Horse

 13-19  Human-Animal Relationships Awareness Week
Animals & Society Institute

   14    Antibiotics and You
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy - Webcast available

   14    got milk? a feminist exploration of milk from slavery to the “post-milk generation”
George Washington University Law School Feminist Forum & Student Animal Legal Defense Fund

 14-20  Get Smart About Antibiotics Week
US Centers for Disease Control

   15    National Council on Pet Population & Society of Animal Welfare Administrators 2015 Research Symposium
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

   16    Unlocking the Cage: Film Screening with Steven Wise
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

 16-17  Third International Conference of Animal Computer Interaction
Milton Keynes, UK

 16-18   SAWA 2016 Annual Conference
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Portland, Oregon, USA

 17-18  Hanoi Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade
Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Hanoi, Vietnam

   17    National Black Cat Day

 18-19  The Sheffield Animals Research Colloquium: Conserving
British Animal Studies Network
Sheffield, UK

   19    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Dublin
National Animal Rights Association (NARA)
Dublin, Ireland

 22-24  Regional Seminar for the OIE National Focal Points on Wildlife
World Organizaton for Animal Health
Aberdare / Nakuru, Kenya

   24    Save a Turkey Day

   25    Fur-Free Friday

 25-27  Animal encounters: human-animal-contacts in the arts, literature, culture, and the sciences
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department for German and Comparative Studies
Erlangen, Germany

   29    Changing Perspectives on Rehoming and Retention of Dogs and Cats: Keeping Fluffy Home
Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA

 Monthlong  ASPCA's Adopt a Senior Pet Month

 Monthlong  Manatee Awareness Month

 Monthlong  World Vegan Month
The Vegan Society

 26 November - 4 December  Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA


From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
  • 1

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