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June 2016



 Month-long  Adopt-a-Cat Month
American Humane Association

 May 28-June 5  Washington, D.C. Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, D.C., USA

 2-3  The Ideal Animal – How Images of Animals and Animals Were Created
Universtiy of Kassel
Kassel, Germany

   4    6th National Animal Rights Day - Montreal
The National Animal Rights Day
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

   4    6th National Animal Rights Day - Toronto
The National Animal Rights Day
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

   4    6th National Animal Rights Day - Victoria
The National Animal Rights Day
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

   4    International Hug Your Cat Day

   4    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Adelaide
Animal Liberation South Australia
Adelaide, Australia

   4    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Lisbon
Movimento pela Abolição dos Matadouros
Lisbon, Portugal

   4    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Melbourne
March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses
Melbourne, Australia

   4    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Paris
Paris, France

   4    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Sydney
Animal Liberation NSW
Sydney, Australia

 4-5  Dog Film Festival Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Boston
The National Animal Rights Day
Boston, Massachussetts USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Charlotte
The National Animal Rights Day
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Colorado Springs
The National Animal Rights Day
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Dallas
The National Animal Rights Day
Dallas, Texas, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Los Angeles
The National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - New York
The National Animal Rights Day
New York, New York, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Orlando
The National Animal Rights Day
Orlando, Florida, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - San Francisco
The National Animal Rights Day
San Francisco, California, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Seattle
The National Animal Rights Day
Seattle, Washington, USA

   5    6th National Animal Rights Day - Washington, D.C.
The National Animal Rights Day
Washington, D.C., USA

   5    World Environment Day: Go Wild for Wildlife
United Nations Environment Programme

 5-11  Pet Appreciation Week

 6-8  Prairie States Animal Welfare Conference
Illinois Animal Welfare Federation
Detroit, Michigan USA

 7-9  NAEAA 2016
National Association of Equine Affilitated Academics
Hackettstown, New Jersey, USA

   8    World Oceans Day
The Ocean Project

   9    325th Session: International Trade and Animal Welfare
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Brussels, Belgium

   9    Documenting Animal Cruelty and the Law
New York City Bar
New York, New York, USA

   9    Empty the Tanks: Legal Strategies to Protect Orcas
Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club, University of California
La Jolla, California, USA

   11    6th National Animal Rights Day - Ottawa
The National Animal Rights Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Auckland
Effective Non-Violence
Auckland, New Zealand

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Bielefeld
Bielefeld, Germany

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Istanbul
Animal Liberation Press Office -Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Kassel
ARIWA Animal Rights Watch
Kassel, Germany

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Los Angeles
March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses
Los Angeles, California, USA

   11    Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Toronto
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

   11    March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Tokyo
Animal Right Center
Tokyo, Japan

   12    Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Bruxelles
Bite Back
Brussels, Belgium

   12    World Pet Memorial Day

   14    International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos

   15    The exotic pet trade and the EU, towards an EU regulation?
European Parliament
Brussels, Belgium

 15-17  SAWA 2016 Management Conference
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Detroit, Michigan USA

   16    Farming for the Future
Thinking Animals United
New York, New York, USA

   16    Summit for the Animals
National Council for Animal Protection
Arlington, Virginia, USA

 16-17  Ethical theories and the animal issue: between science and philosophy
University of Milan
Milan, Italy

   17    Animal Law in Florida
The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Animal Law Committee
Orlando, Florida, USA

 17-20  Taking Action for Animals
The Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA

   18    Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

   18    Pet CPR and First Aid Training
Pasadena, California, USA

   19    Howl and Be Heard: A Benefit Concert
Animal Protection Voters of New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico

   20    16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD)
Wageningen UR & Utrecht University
Wageningen, The Netherlands

 21-23  Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

   22    Animals pushed to the limits? Implications for welfare and ethics
Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International
London, UK

   22    Intervening with Children who Witnessed or Engaged in Animal Abuse
Animals and Society Institute
Online webinar

 22-24  2nd International Symposium of Veterinary Medicine (ISVM2016)
Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia

   23    Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science V
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
York, UK

   24    Take Your Dog to Work Day

 24-26  MINDING ANIMALS Germany Symposium # 3
Erlangen, Germany

 June 25 - July 2  National Badger Week
The Badger Trust
United Kingdom

 June 25 - July 3  7th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom

 June 29 - July 1  Improving Experimental Approaches in Animal Biology: Implementing the 3Rs
Central London, UK


From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
  • 1

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