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October 2013



    1     World Vegetarian Day

  2-3    First Asian Rhino Range States Meeting
Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

  3-6    41st World Veg Fest
International Vegetarian Union
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

        World Animal Day

   12    Paris Vegan Day
Paris, France

   13    No More Homeless Pets Conference
Best Friends Animal Society
Jacksonville, Florida, USA

   16    Citizens' Hearing on the Delisting of Wolves
Wild Earth Gaurdians
Denver, Colorado, USA

   16    World Food Day
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy

 16-20  Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
Wildlife Conservation Film Festivals
New York, New York, USA

   17     The Big Earthwatch Debate 2013: Bone of Contention (Debating the need for a legalized trade in elephant, tiger, and rhino parts)
Earthwatch Institute
London, UK

 22-23  Global Snow Leopard Conservation Forum
Bishkek, Kyrgys Republic 

 22-23  Plenary Meeting of the EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare
European Food Safety Authority

   24    Understanding the Evolution of the Ontario SPCA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 25-27  21st Annual Animal Law Conference
Stanford Law School
Palo Alto, California, USA

 26-27  18th Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
Boston Vegetarian Society
Boston Massachusetts, USA

   28     The Welfare of Dogs and Cats - Building a Europe that Cares for Animals
The European Commission
Brussels, Belgium

  30-31  Training Workshop on Wildlife Law Enforcement
International Consortiumon Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
Nairobi, Kenya

   31   Protecting Threatened Wildlife in Africa with Technology Forum
World Wildlife Fund and the Richardson Center for Global Engagement
Washington, D.C., USA

From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
  • 1

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