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Information and Resources for the Animal Protection Movement
Animal Protection Coalitions and Alliances
Grants and Resources for the Animal Protection Movement
Awards and Other Accomplishments


World Animal Net (WAN) develops programs and ‘best practice’ resources for the animal protection community. We work in a strategic and prioritized manner, with energy and dedication; which is why we are able to accomplish so much with a limited staff and administrative budget. Also, we make extensive use of volunteers – including leading international animal protection experts – and our Board supports us, donating funds and work.

Some of our achievements are listed below.
These achievements lead to a ‘multiplier effect’ as the results are applied/adapted by a large number of organizations worldwide.

Information and Resources for the Animal Protection Movement


WAN has developed resources and programs including:

  • The WAN Directory
    The world’s largest directory of animal protection organizations, the directory provides contact and program focus information for over 17,000 organizations worldwide.
    The WAN Directory helps animal protection advocates to locate other organizations across the world - to collaborate, build consortiums, and make referrals; as well as helping policymakers and individuals to locate animal protection organizations to consult and ask for assistance.

  • Strategic Advocacy
    A comprehensive training course on Strategic Advocacy for Animal Welfare, using best practice across civil society sectors, specifically adapted for the animal protection movement. Course materials are also freely available on WAN’s website.
    This course helps animal protection organizations to understand the need and context for advocacy in achieving social change for animals and how to put effective advocacy into practice.

  • Collaborations
    Detailed information on different models of joint working - including networks, coalitions, alliances and federations; advice on forming and managing such collaborations, the advantages and disadvantages of joining, details of existing animal protection collaborations, and other useful resources.
    An invaluable tool to help the animal protection movement to connect, collaborate and campaign together.

  • Humane Education
    Information and advice on ‘best practice’ in humane education, including: case for need, methodology, approaches, case studies, and links to resources.
    All the background information needed to implement a humane education program, which is the most effective long-term preventative strategy to bring about a lasting, large-scale improvement in the quality of animals' lives.

  • International Policy
    An overview of the international animal protection policy environment.
    This is vital in helping the animal protection community to understand the wider policy environment, enabling advocates to use this information to improve national policies, laws and programs.

  • Model Animal Welfare Act
    A ‘Model Animal Welfare Act’ designed as a basic template and guidance document for those interested in enacting new legislation or improving existing animal protection legislation. This was drafted using an extensive comparative law exercise. Relying on ‘best practice’ in the field, it took over three years to complete.
    This will enable international organizations and countries easy access to ‘best practice’ in the drafting of animal protection legislation, raising standards of drafting and enabling cross-checking of existing laws.

  • Constitutions Project
    Developed background information on advocacy for the inclusion of animal protection in constitutions; including the first ever comprehensive listing of animal protection provisions in constitutions around the world.
    An invaluable tool for animal protection organizations advocating for official recognition for animal protection in constitutions – supporting research, advocacy and policy development.


WAN has developed information, advice, and resources concerning:

This is all freely accessible on the WAN website.

Training & Mentoring

WAN has carried out face-to-face and online training, and organizational and personal mentoring, including:

WAN developed and co-organized Pioneer Training (2005), an intensive 4-week training course for prospective leaders of the animal protection movement. The course was spectacularly successful in turning ambitious activists into inspiring leaders in their country. Many of the students still play a prominent role in animal protection in their home countries.

The course was fully evaluated and received overwhelmingly positive feedback. All the materials from the course have been used on WAN’s website for the benefit of all animal protection organizations. Furthermore, the original Pioneer materials were also used as the basis for the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA, now World Animal Protection)’s Member Society Manual and for courses of the Humane Society Academy/University. They have also been used by organizations such as the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations (FIAPO) and ACTAsia to inform their training courses for activists in India and China respectively.

WAN’s Strategic Advocacy course was piloted as an online course with members of the Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA) in 2013. The focus was the development of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)’s Regional Animal Welfare Strategy for Southern Africa.
This course won an overwhelmingly positive response and led to the development of various advocacy initiatives, including a new animal protection law for Namibia.

Animal Protection Coalitions and Alliances

WAN is affiliated with:

  • The International Coalition for Animal Welfare (ICFAW)
  • Species Survival Network (SSN)
  • Fur Free Alliance (FFA)
  • National Council for Animal Protection (NCAP)
  • DierenCoalitie – the Netherlands

And has worked closely with and supported:

  • The Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA)
  • The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations (FIAPO)
  • European Alliance of Rescue centres and Sanctuaries (EARS)
  • World Animal Day (Nature Watch)

WAN’s work with animal protection collaborations (coalitions and alliances) has included:

  • Presidency/Oversight of the National Council for Animal Protection (NCAP), a council of 28 national and regional organizations in the USA.
  • Species Survival Network (SSN) leadership.
  • Working with the Species Survival Network to produce a Wildlife Trade Law Enforcement Poster to be hung on the wall at customs offices and border facilities throughout African nations.
  • Organizing and operating the office for the Species Survival Network, facilitating 80 NGOs during the CITES Conference of the Parties in The Hague, The Netherlands (2007), Doha, Qatar (2010) and Bangkok, Thailand (2013).
  • Working through the Fur Free Alliance in getting the biggest NO Fur campaign in China off the ground, mobilizing celebrities in China and hundreds of activists.
  • Founding by WAN President of the European Alliance of Rescue centres and Sanctuaries (EARS)
  • Advisory Director to ActAsia for Animals
  • Supporting the Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA) with the development of its first strategic plan and action plan (WAN Co-Founder, Janice Cox, was the Keynote Speaker at PAAWA’s First International Conference on the theme “Mainstreaming Animal Welfare in Africa’s Development” (2013) and has provided continuing assistance).
  • Linking the organizing team United Front 4 Animals with PAAWA and Naturewatch (World Animal Day coordinators), starting the movement for World Animal Day events and advocacy on the theme “Animals Matter to Africa” across the continent (and beyond). WAN support included drafting the Memorandums, providing a grant, and managing the website. The organizers view this as building annually to a mass march and social change movement.
  • Chairing the Dutch Animal Coalition of 21 national groups working toward animal welfare legislation in the Dutch Parliament (2011).
  • Participating in the successful campaign to ban wild animals in circuses in the Netherlands.
  • Coordinating U.S. collaboration on the chimpanzee patent issue and participating in the coalition to save the chimpanzees in Liberia abandoned by the New York Blood Center.
  • Sending an expert on sanctuary management to the fledgling Wild Animal Rescue Network meeting in Taiwan (2013) to help this newly formed sanctuary alliance off the ground.


WAN was granted consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 2001. In 2015, we were granted Special Consultative Status. This allows us greater influence at the United Nations, where we have worked to build partnerships and collaborative relations and to influence relevant agendas.

WAN has been accepted as a member of the International Coalition for Animal Welfare (ICFAW), which represents non-governmental animal welfare organizations from all over the world at the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

In 2014, WAN established an International Policy Forum (IPF) to address significant and emerging international issues in animal protection. The WAN IPF convenes key representatives in the global field of animal protection to collaborate, network, and develop policy proposals and joint advocacy.

WAN has used its international policy linkages, including its status with the UN and connections with the OIE, to carry out advocacy and policy work, including:

  • Advocacy at the UN for the inclusion of animal welfare and wildlife concerns in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Advocating for animal protection issues with the EU and FAO, including a strategy teleconference with the EU (following advocacy on animal welfare and development, including publication of an article in the Parliament magazine), which led to new proposals for animal welfare projects funded by the EU.
  • Promoting the mainstreaming of animal welfare in development and the introduction of animal welfare impact assessments for all developmental issues. This has positively influenced the agenda of the OIE’s next global animal welfare conference.
  • Developing and implementing regional animal welfare strategies (the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and Regional Economic Communities).
  • Developing a global animal welfare strategy (OIE).
  • Facilitating work with Ghana (champion country) and PAAWA to research and develop a regional animal welfare strategy for West Africa (ECOWAS), and continued advocacy on its adoption/implementation.

WAN’s Co-Founder, Janice Cox, also worked with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in Southern Africa to research and develop a regional animal welfare strategy for the 15 countries in the region; which was subsequently taken over by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

We have organized (including sponsorship) the following for Ghana:

  • Animal welfare training for Ghana’s Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, who is the driver for animal welfare change in Ghana and will also be introducing animal welfare training into the country’s two new veterinary colleges.
  • A slaughter welfare program, which was taken forward by the RSCPA International, supported by World Animal Protection.

WAN’s Janice Cox also drafted an animal welfare policy for the African National Congress (ANC) government of South Africa, which we were informally advised had been accepted as a working document, for the basis of further consideration and consultation.

Grants and Resources for the Animal Protection Movement

WAN has also supported the ‘best practice’ or ground-breaking programs of many animal protection organizations, including:

  • The production of a seminal report: Changing China, a country status report within the political and social context by the organization ACT Asia.
  • Research by Humane Research Trust USA into driving factors in animal protection attitudes and action of the American public.
  • A project of the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations (FIAPO) to develop animal protection networks across India – improving animal welfare through mobilizing, networking and building organizational capacity.
  • Production by the Indonesian group Pro Fauna of a teaching book on the welfare of animals in this country with the world’s largest Muslim population.
  • A teachers’ guide for humane education, created by The Humane Education Trust in South Africa, which was distributed through the Ministry of Education.
  • The Ghana SPCA Humane Education Program.
  • Humane Education in schools in Liberia by making education materials available from an earlier project WAN supported in South Africa.
  • The development of alternatives to animal experiments for students in medicine, veterinary medicine and biological science by InterNICHE.
  • The Campaign Against Canned Hunting in South Africa, to continue their campaign against the intensive breeding and canned hunting of lions.
  • A project of the Darwin Primate Group in South Africa to build a new enclosure for primates rescued from trade.
  • Vets for Animal Welfare in Zimbabwe with their visits to rural locations.
  • A Township Dog Training Unit in Kwazulu Natal to establish a kids humane education and dog adoption program.
  • The building of a surgery room at the Tanzania Animal Welfare Society.

WAN also facilitated US donors in making major donations to animal welfare projects in the Caribbean.

Awards and Other Accomplishments

Board Member Janice Cox received the 2014 HSI Lifetime Achievement Award – for “extraordinary commitment and achievement for animal protection."
Akisha Townsend Eaton presented at Harvard Law School and Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (Summer, 2014), contributed a chapter for The Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics (to be published, 2015), and was selected as the first keynote speaker for the Animal Law Committee at the Kentucky Bar Association’s Annual Convention.


“WAN is truly amazing in the number and quality of materials you produce. It’s so impressive! Your website has… everything. You must just work all the time and never sleep!” Sara Shields, Ph.D, Chair, International Coalition for Animal Welfare (ICFAW) and Animal Behavior and Welfare Specialist, Humane Society International
“ACTAsia for Animals has collaborated with World Animal Net on many occasions and has great respect for the directors who all have extensive knowledge and experience of the non-profit sector. WAN provides a bank of information on animal welfare and humane education to other NGOs and is always willing to help and advise on organisational strategy. WAN is managed with the highest level of integrity and is effective and efficient…” ActAsia for Animals
“As founder of the recently registered non-profit company, United Front 4 Animals, it felt like we found a home and life-long soul mate (at last), when I discovered World Animal Net. Their guidance, practical and user-friendly information on all aspects of animal welfare and advocacy, and their educational courses provide nothing short of a guaranteed road to success for any organization – new or established – in the challenging environment of animal welfare and lobbying at the highest levels. Their extensive experience, unwavering commitment to develop the animal welfare movement, individual organizations, coalitions and alliances PLUS their consultative status at the United Nations makes them unique and affiliation compulsory for any serious advocacy and/or activist organization.” Nikki Elliott (Founder/Director) United Front 4 Animals, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
“World Animal Net is an unique NGO. It was, for us, an integral part of the creation of RAPAD Morocco. Its advice, free training courses and contacts helped us understand where were the real challenges of Animal Welfare. WAN is giving us a more professional, innovative and realistic vision, taking into account the specificities of our country and our African continent. WAN offers new approaches, connections and new tools to achieve our goals.” Amal El Bekri, RAPAD, Morocco
“Absolutely brilliant! Thank you World Animal Net for your existence.” Tozie Zokufa, Chairperson, Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance
“I have known WAN for many years and it has been involved in many ways in all aspects of animal protection by training and providing assistance through advice, education resources and small grants to organisations throughout the world. It connects us all and encourages grassroots volunteers by showing us that we are not alone, but actually well-connected and supported!” Crete Animal Welfare Society (CAWS)



A world in which animal sentience is respected, and the welfare of animals protected.


WAN’s mission is to improve the status and welfare of animals worldwide by offering information, expertise and new opportunities to connect, collaborate, and campaign for change.

Guiding Values

  • Recognition that animals are sentient beings.
  • Compassion, justice and respect for all animals.
  • The need for cooperation, collaboration and unity in the animal protection movement, including collective advocacy.
  • The need for broader partnerships to advance animal welfare, including with policy influencers and implementers.

Ways of Working

All our activities are guided by our four ways of working:

  • Research, analyze and strategize
  • Share information and expertise, including best practice
  • Stimulate cooperation, collaboration and coalition building
  • Avoid duplication and competition

Goals and Objectives

Pillar 1: Information, Expertise and Best Practice Resources


To develop information, tools and best practice resources for the animal protection community and other animal protection stakeholders; ensuring that these meet major needs, are accurate, easy to access, and well-maintained.


  • Enhance, update and maintain the WAN Directory, developing this to incorporate communication channels and geographically-focused knowledge portals.
  • Develop, update and maintain WAN’s website resources (adding any issues where the animal protection community and other stakeholders seek further guidance).
  • Continue to research, update and share best practice on various animal protection issues and approaches.
  • Continue to develop/share new and creative strategies and methods for improving the capacity and professionalism of the animal protection community.
  • Continue to develop and spread WAN’s courses on Strategic Advocacy and Animal Welfare, and other courses where a need is identified.

Pillar 2: Animal Protection Communication, Collaboration and Coalitions/Alliances


To enhance, promote and develop collaboration and communication among animal protection organizations in order to avoid duplication and competition and to focus collaborative work on specific animal protection issues and international policy.


  • Continue to support the development and running of major strategic animal protection coalitions/alliances.
  • Continue to play a strategic and active role in coalition/alliances with which WAN is already connected, and review and consider new ways of collaborating with animal protection organizations and other stakeholders.
  • Continue to stimulate the development of strategic animal protection coalitions/ alliances, where there is a proven need and good opportunities to strengthen and develop animal advocacy (including regional animal protection groupings and meetings).
  • Strengthen communications with WAN affiliates and recruit additional effective organizations to become affiliates of WAN.
  • Develop communication forums covering priority/target issues, facilitating the animal protection community to share advice, information, experiences and best practice which will in turn stimulate progress and strategic, collaborative action on various animal protection issues.
  • Continue to hone and improve WAN’s existing communications and social media interactions (newsletters, blogs and social media platforms) with the animal protection community; increasing outreach, quality and utility of communications.
  • Support and facilitate the development of national and global campaign and awareness events.

Pillar 3: Animal Welfare Policy


To develop strategic animal protection advocacy and implementation support to improve the status of global animal welfare and the animal protection operating environment.


  • Continue to develop WAN advocacy in support of the development and implementation of OIE international animal welfare standards; and the development and implementation of Regional Animal Welfare Strategies and the Global Animal Welfare Strategy.
  • Continue to monitor and pursue opportunities to further advocacy and implementation partnerships in favor of mainstreaming animal welfare in development, especially with the European Union, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, World Health Organization, World Bank and international, regional and national development organizations.
  • Continue to develop WAN’s International Policy Forum to enhance policy representation and outreach.
  • Continue to develop WAN advocacy using our consultative status with the UN (ECOSOC) (including support for the Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare (UDAW) and UN recognition for 4th October as World Animal Day, and continued advocacy on the inclusion of animal welfare and wildlife protection in the implementation of the SDGs and through any other available avenues).
  • Continue to develop and support advocacy for the introduction of modern, comprehensive animal welfare laws, using and promoting the Model Animal Welfare Act.
  • Continue to develop and support advocacy for the inclusion of animal welfare and wildlife clauses in constitutions.
  • Influence and advocate other international animal protection organizations, where necessary to gain traction for crucial WAN advocacy.

  • New Book!

    Purchase the new Model Animal Welfare Act book.

    Read More
  • Constitution Project

    What does your country's constitution say about animals?

    Read More
  • International Policy

    Learn about our advocacy at the international level

    Read More
  • Humane Education

    Let WAN help you create a more compassionate world

    Read More
  • Directory

    Search the world's largest list of animal protection organizations

    Read More
  • Resources

    Browse to assist you in running your animal protection society

    Read More
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WAN's volunteer team has been crucial in updating and enhancing the WAN Directory of Animal Protection Organizations, and we are happy to recognize the contributions that each volunteer, both past and current, has made towards this goal. To our volunteers- THANK YOU! We could not do it without you. 


Current Volunteers

Alyson2Alyson Rewick
New Jersey, USA
Alyson is a writer and an animal lover from the New York City metro area. She helped to verify listings for Mexican animal protection organizations.


madalina-croppedMadalina Anton
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Madalina is working to verify the listings for Romanian animal protection organizations. She lives and works in Atlanta, GA, dividing her time between photography assignments and her marketing job. She has fostered several cat and doggie friends in the past and currently (while waiting for her husband to agree to foster a new pup) she is researching the best options to help animals through education: teaching people how they should treat their animal friends.

lordique-roundLordique Fok
Lordique is assisting World Animal Net on campaigns to encourage public and private institutions to adopt increasingly humane pest control practices with special focus on reduced use of glue boards and of some particularly inhumane poisons that additionally injure non-target wildlife. She has designed many of the campaign's materials and investigated how new technology can help make pest control practices more humane, thanks to low cost sensors, cameras, text alerts, etc. As an undergraduate Electrical Engineering & Computer Science student at MIT, Lordique balances research with her commitment to animals.

meghna-croppedMeghna Sheth
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Meghna has worked on updating the listings for Karnataka, the region of India in which she resides. She is a major in human resources, but her interest lies only in animals and she is planning to study animal law further. She has worked as a volunteer for an animal welfare organization previously and since then she is keen on helping animals throughout the world in as many ways as she can. She loves seeing happy animals around her and everywhere. She and her husband have adopted four rescued Indian strays.

ViragVirág Kaufer
Virág is helping with WAN’s strategic advocacy course and campaigning. Virág is currently Campaign Director at Greenpeace, Central and Eastern Europe. She has worked for civil society for over 17 years at grassroots, national, and international level – and across sectors: including animal welfare and human development/rights/justice issues. In the past she has managed advocacy campaigns for Oxfam, WSPA (now World Animal Protection) and Compassion in World Farming (CIWF). Virág has also been active in Green party politics at national level as a party leader and MP in Hungary.

Past Volunteers

Bettina Strehle
Since April 2014, Bettina has worked on updating the listings of German-speaking countries, including Austria and Germany.


Janine Slaker
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Janine helped to correct broken links in the directory.



Noopur Pathak
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Since August, 2014, Noopur has helped in fixing broken links in the Directory and has assisted in MySQL coding needs. Noopur is currently a software consultant and loves helping animals and animal rights groups in any way she can. Unfortunately, she is allergic to most fur, so having an opportunity to help animals remotely is a wonderful and exciting prospect.

Rhonda Lechten
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Rhonda helped to correct bounced email addresses and made updates for a number of Australian organizations. Rhonda is currently fostering for the Black Cat Rescue organization working to find loving homes for otherwise unwanted cats frequently euthanized.


Thành Nguyen
University of Massachussetts, Boston - Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA
Thành helped to research and update all Vietnamese listings in the Directory. Thành is currently a sophomore biochemistry major at Umass Boston. He is interested in animals and working hands on with them, both domestic and wild and especially those belonging to the canine and feline families.

Trudi Gopie
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Trudi helped to fix broken links in the Directory. Pets have always been a part of Trudi's life. She currently owns two little rescue pups that make her life that much sweeter each day.


Zane Gavin
Northeastern University - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Zane helped to fix broken links in the Directory. Zane is a mechanical engineering major who is passionate about domestic animal protection and knows that making a small change and putting in a little effort can have tremendous impact. Even if not studying directly, Zane hopes to make as big of a splash in the field of international animal protection as possible.

Past Interns

Julie Fields
Dickinson College - Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
Julie updated all Canadian organizations in the directory, and conducted a self-directed policy analysis of the Canadian ban on gestation crates and the dangers of livestock boards and similar policy structures for animal protection. Majoring in biology, she is currently working on her honors thesis based on her research of the evolutionary causes of body sizes of boa constrictors. She is passionate about animal care and protection and has previously worked at an exotic animal rescue and educational center and at the Beardsley Zoo in CT.

Petra Solarik
Wheaton College - Norton, Massachusetts, USA
Petra updated all Middle Eastern listings in the Directory, and conducted a self-directed comparative analysis of animal protection and welfare policies in selected Middle Eastern countries. She is a biology major with a particular interest in animal rehabilitation and wildlife rescue projects. Both wildlife and domestic animal issues interest her and so she hopes to use her education and experiences to make a small change in the ever growing field of animal protection.

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Article Count:

From the Blog

  • The World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter for World Animal Net +

    In 2013, I joined World Animal Net (WAN) alongside Akisha Read More
  • Launching an "Animals' Manifesto" for World Animal Day +

    World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental Read More
  • Join Asia for Animals in celebrating World Farmed Animal Day +

    World Day for Farmed Animals Asia is on October 2nd Read More
  • COVID-19 and the Development of the New Global Biodiversity Framework +

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement Read More
  • 1

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